
Print Specifications

The size of the billboards vary, so please ensure you ask for: the exact site specifications before setting up you artwork. Download our standard print specifications document to understand how to set up your artwork

2024 Calendar

Rates are based on 4 week display lunar periods, 28 days Download our lunar calendar to help plan the timing for your next advertising campaign.

Creative Tips

More than any other medium, an Outdoor ad needs a big - yet simple - idea. The key thing to remember when writing copy is "less says more". Without an idea a poster stops being an ad and becomes a sign.

Credit Application Form

Typically all first time customers need to pay up front fo the first billboard advertising campaign. We do offer 30 day payment terms to repeat customers. Fill out our credit application form attached to organise your account. This will take 7-10 days for approval, so plan ahead.

Let's do something BIG together.

Send us your brief from the contact form, or feel free to give us a call. We look forward to working on your next advertising campaign together.

Give us a call: 09 889 6836

Send us an email:

Suite 8252, 17B Farnham Street, Parnell, Auckland 1052. New Zealand

09 889 6836
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